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Everyone is welcome and invited!


Every year our church provides a free Thanksgiving Lunch on Thanksgiving Day from 11am to 1pm. This year because of the Covid- 19 Pandemic we held and hosted our thanksgiving event as a Thanksgiving Drive- Thru. The whole community was invited to bring their cars and drive through a festive tunnel that was decorated with banners, lights, and inflatable figurines. As the cars drove through they were greeted with confetti and the children had the chance to meet various characters dressed up as veggies and also a turkey. Then once they exited the tunnel everyone was given a candy bag. The children were given toys. And all the families received multiple boxes of food. 


Additionally, each year we give hundreds of turkeys to families in need. We also raffle money, gift cards, toys and appliances. 


All this is done as we give thanks to God for all that He provides!

"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever."

- 1 Chronicles 16:34

For more information or to donate contact (760) 844-3842. 

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